Saturday, November 3, 2012

Second Scream

With Halloween over now, there are a few good things to sort through in the candy aisle. Of course I'm talking about remainders. The trick for you remainder hunters out there, is to come early and come often. The very best stuff goes fast, but then you'll have to come back a day or two later to get the best deals. At the end of your stores remainder time you may find yourself in a sweet spot with a whole box full of something they carry in bulk. But pay attention,after a while the stores need it off the floor and will remove it forcibly :(

Anyhow, while walking my local Shoppers Drug Mart  yesterday I saw that Screme Eggs are now down to .99 cents. I decided to give it a second shot because I've heard, from you and others, that my egg I reviewed was an anomaly. That in fact the yolk should be just green and that the rest of the egg is in fact, supposed to be white (as with a standard Creme Egg). If you missed it, just click here to watch my video review of the Cadbury Screme Egg from a few weeks ago.

I got the fun mummy design this time :)

Biting in, you'll see that in fact it is actually white, just like a real egg! So mine was off for the review!

And getting down, you can see that there is a green yolk, but its nothing like what I had in the review egg, this one is much more solid, and much more contained.

In terms of my review, it stands. I can only review whats in front of me, but this was certainly  a case I wanted to investigate further. Besides anywhich way you crack the egg, its all pretty delicious.

Hope you all had a great Halloween. The X-Mas reviews start next week!

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